Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Commercial Trucks - Most Promising Utility

Commercial trucks are the trucks that are used widely by the people for commercial uses and these commercial trucks are truly called the most innovative platform for the industrial developments!! Commercial trucks are not any of the particular types but still are the most promising utility creators of the industries. Ideally each and every truck can be called commercial trucks as they are always used for commercial uses!! In USA, the commercial trucks are being classified in different categories based on the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.

There are some of the classifications depending upon the total weight of the trucks. If talked specifically, there are 8 types and Class of the commercial trucks. The total truck weight class begins with the first categories of 6000lbs. Toyota Tacoma and GMC Sonoma is the simple examples of Class 1 category. All the models of Nissan Titan and Ford 250 are having the weight upto 10,000lbs and they are also counted in light duty vehicles. Then the Class 3 gets on with the Medium duty trucks with the weight of 10,001lbs to 19,500lbs and these categories includes the trucks like the dual rear wheel models of Ford F-350 and GMC Sierra 3500, Ford F-450, GMC W4500, International MXT and GMC Topkick are the ingredients of this category.

The last category of the Commercial Trucks is the heavy duty trucks and some of the trucks of this category are the largest varieties of International Dura star, International TranStar and many more of the similar types. So, the commercial Trucks are meant to have the best response of others and to make the industrial sector quite comprehensive and strength full. There are so many types of Commercial trucks that are called as the subsidiary types and are having a spectacular share in the industrial development and also are the most progressive category of automobile sector!!

Posted via web from truckingauction's posterous

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